就读mg电子试玩app的费用 is based upon the 学费 rates in effect at the time a student takes the desired course, 加上任何相关费用. The Board of Trustees for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities establishes 学费 rates annually. 学费 rates are established on a per-credit basis for all credit course offerings and are subject to change.
学费及办公时间 | |
周一 | 上午八点半至下午六时 |
周二 | 上午八点半至下午五时 |
周三 | 上午八点半至下午五时 |
周四 | 上午八点半至下午六时 |
星期五 | 上午九时至下午十二时 |
2024年春季学期学费. 学费须于当日或之前缴交 2023年12月13日.
校园课堂* | 在线网络课堂 | |
每学分学费 | $182.87 – $277.14 | $204.20 |
MSCSA * * | $0.35 | $0.35 |
学生活动 | $4.00 | $4.00 |
技术 | $11.00 | $11.00 |
停车/安全/设施费用 | $9.33 | $9.33 |
保健服务费 | $3.05 | $3.05 |
总学费 & 每学分费用 | $210.60 – $304.87 | $231.93 |
*所有收费或有更改. 学费可能会有所不同.
* Special course fees may apply to selected courses. 查看 课程安排 online; make your course selection; place cursor over the course title to view details and cost of the course.
** The MSCSA Fee is assessed by the Minnesota State College Student Association.
Please budget for books and class materials in addition to 学费.
Use the 净价计算器 to determine your costs.
The 净价计算器 is a tool for students and parents to use to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend 圣保罗书院. 这些费用不仅包括学费和杂费, 但是书籍, transportation and other costs of living while attending college.
As part of our mission to be one of the most affordable community colleges in St. 保罗, 我们不仅保持低廉的学费, but we also offer a wide variety of financial aid options to help finance the cost of an education.
管理成本 & 账单
圣保罗书院 provides several different options for paying your 学费 and fees. 发票不邮寄. 你必须检查你的 网上帐户结余 and pay any balance due by the posted due dates on the academic calendar.
明尼苏达州的居民, 62岁或以上, may register and be eligible to attend 圣保罗书院 at a reduced rate. To receive the senior rate, the student must register for the course after the first class session has taken place, provided space is available.
- 学分课程:20美元.每学分00美元,外加适用费用.
- Minnesota resident senior citizens are not charged 学费 when auditing a credit course or taking a noncredit course. The request to audit must be made at the time of registration for the course. The “Request for Audit Status” form is available in the One Stop.
- 封闭mg电子试玩app合同培训, courses designed and offered specifically and exclusively for senior citizens, or professional continuing education courses are not eligible for a free/or reduced rate.
- Charges for materials, personal property or services charges must be paid by the Senior Citizen.
Senior citizens who register for courses before the first day of each course are charged the regular 学费 rate. Courses may not be subsequently dropped and re-added to receive the senior rate.
付款方式有七种. 避免排队等候. 网上支付学费. 很容易!
接受经济援助的学生, scholarships or third party payment of fees are responsible for verifying that applications, awards and billing authorizations have been finalized and received by the 学费 Office prior to the posted 学费 due date.
Disbursement of any financial aid award over your total billing at the College will be made beginning the 3rd week of each term. You must select a refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements, 技术解决方案, BMTX供电, 公司. 请访问此链接获取更多信息: http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices.
学生 must pay or make payment arrangements for their 学费 and fees by the published due dates. Failure to pay or make arrangements to pay 学费 and fees may result in courses being dropped for non-payment. Please note that course registrations will not be dropped for students who have applied for financial aid. Course registrations will not be dropped even if a student is not approved for financial aid. 学生 who do not intend to take courses during a given semester must officially drop their courses on their own before the start of the term. 学生 who have not deregistered are responsible for the unpaid balance. Refer to the 学费 Due Dates on the web or the 大学的日历.
滞纳金高达30美元.00 is charged when 学费 is not paid in full by the payment deadline. 获得学费延期(经济援助)的学生, agency or employer authorizations) must notify the 学费 Office by the payment deadline or a late fee will be charged. For students registering after the due date, 学费 is due the day of registration.
学生 who withdraw or drop from all courses must give formal notification to the College by withdrawing or dropping online from all classes to be eligible for a 学费 refund according to the 退款进度.
Failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal. You can submit a withdrawal on line by logging into your student account.
学生 who miss class the first week without making prior arrangements for all absences in advance with their instructor may receive a “FN” grade and are responsible to pay all the charges.
学费 and fee rates for 圣保罗书院 are also available in the 学费 Office. The 学费 Office staff can help assist you with managing costs by answering questions and providing guidance. 你也可以联系学费办公室 学费.office@audiohope.com or 651.846.1395
Business Office, Finance and Operations, 学费 Office
Business Office, Finance and Operations, 学费 Office
Kashoua Khang
Business Office, Finance and Operations, 学费 Office
Business Office, Finance and Operations, 学费 Office
Business Office, Finance and Operations, 学费 Office