mg电子试玩appa社区 & 技术学院遵守保护学生记录隐私的联邦和州法律, 包括家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR 99; and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) Minn. 统计. Ch 13 Minn Rules Ch 1205; and other applicable laws and regulations concerning the handling of education records. 在学院注册的学生被要求提供必要的信息,以提供服务. 虽然法律不要求学生提供所要求的数据, 所有要求的信息是必不可少的大学流程和服务. 拒绝提供所要求的信息可能会导致拒绝被该计划录取, 注册或其他服务.
The College gives assurance that student information will be safeguarded against improper disclosure as indicated in this policy. 执行州和联邦法律, the College has established a policy that affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records.
学生:学生是指已经申请入学的个人, 谁目前在注册, 或曾就读于mg电子试玩app. 学生是通过任何方式接受教育服务的个体. 所有学生对他们的教育资料都有同样的权利.
Educational Data: Educational data are those records directly related to a student and maintained by 圣保罗书院. 教育数据包括, 但不限于录取材料, 经济援助记录, 成绩单, 类列表, 课程表, 分级考试或论文, 纪律处分程序记录, 工作学生记录和更多. 某些资料不受“教育资料”的定义所限,包括:
- Records of instructional personnel that are kept in the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a temporary substitute for the maker and are destroyed at the end of the school year.
- 执法单位记录——不与学校官员共享,保留用于执法目的
- Medical and psychological treatment records that are maintained solely by the treating professional for treatment purposes
- Records that only contain information about a student after that individual is no longer a student at that institution (alumni data)
学校官员是mg电子试玩app行政部门雇用的人员, 监督, 以及学术或辅助人员职位. A person or company with whom 圣保罗书院 has contracted; a person serving on the Board of the Trustees or in the Office of the Chancellor, 在正式的学院委员会任职的学生, 一个顾问, 在健康或安全紧急情况下采取行动的大学公共安全官员, 或协助另一名学校官员执行其任务的人. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review educational data in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
- 学生有权查阅自己的学习记录. 要求应以书面形式向书记官长提出. mg电子试玩app将在学生提出要求后十天内提供查看教育记录的权限. 要求提供其教育记录副本的学生将被评估费用.
- 学生有权同意信息的披露, 哪些是他或她的个人身份, 除非根据州和联邦法律,这些信息的披露是未经学生同意的.
- 学生有权要求注册主任更正教育资料, 他或她认为哪些是不准确的或误导性的. The student should appeal to the Registrar and clearly identify the part of the record they want changed as well as why the record is inaccurate or misleading. Note: They right to challenge a grade does not apply under this policy unless the grade assigned was allegedly inaccurately recorded. 学生 will be notified of their FERPA and MGPDA rights through publications of the policy on the college website and in the Catalog
- 学生有权向美国教育部提出申诉.S. 教育部 concerning alleged failures by 圣保罗书院 to comply with the requirements of FERPA. 希望提出投诉的学生应将投诉提交至:
U.S. 教育部
圣保罗书院 will not permit access to or the release of personally identifiable information contained in student educational data without the written consent of the student to any third party (包括 parent/guardian, 依赖, 或配偶/同居伴侣), 除非FERPA和MGPDA或其他适用法律授权. 学生可以通过填写信息发布电子表格授予或撤销同意 学生档案网站. 学生在签署和提交此表格时必须出示政府或学院颁发的带照片的身份证件.
- 学生姓名
- 主修专业
- 出席日期
- 学位,文凭,证书 & 所获奖项
- 全日制或非全日制注册状态
- 参与认可的活动
- mg电子试玩app发布或大学出版物中使用的照片
因为目录数据被认为是公开的, 圣保罗书院 will release such information to anyone upon request except for the directory data of students who have requested it to be withheld from public disclosure.
mg电子试玩app指定以下信息为有限目录数据:学生电子邮件地址, 个人电邮地址, 家庭住址, 电话号码. Limited directory data of students nearing completion of their studies will be released to Minnesota 统计e institutions for recruitment and marketing communications, 以及mg电子试玩app之友.
Student email addresses and Star ID numbers are defined as limited directory data for enterprise technology related purposes internal to the Minnesota 统计e system that are approved by System Office IT, 包括, 但不限于, inclusion of email addresses and Star ID numbers in a directory accessible to Minnesota 统计e students and employees.
尽管本政策有任何其他规定, the following information is defined as 有限目录资料 for purposes of sharing with LeadMN so the association can communicate with their members: Student name, 电子邮件地址, 和学生变更代码(NEW/RTN/DROP).
A student may direct that any or all of the directory and limited directory information be withheld from public disclosure by notifying the Registrar in writing. 除非学生另有要求,否则保密要求将是永久性的.
- To appropriate school officials who require access to educational records in order to perform their legitimate educational duties
- 致该学生寻求或打算入学的其他学校的官员, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclose is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer
- 另一个教育机构或机构, if requested by the agency or institution where a student is enrolled or receives services while the student is notified where applicable; receives a copy of the record, if requested; and has an opportunity for a hearing to amend the record, 按照法律的要求
- 根据法律规定,向联邦、州或地方官员或机构提交
- 与学生申请或收到经济援助有关的
- 认证机构或组织进行教育研究, provided that these organizations do not release personally identifiable data and destroy such data when it is no longer needed for the purpose it was obtained
- 遵照司法命令或合法提交的传票, provided a reasonable effort is made to notify the student in advance unless such subpoena specifically directs the institution not to disclose the existence of a subpoena
- To appropriate persons in an emergency situation if the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the students or their persons; or
- 对暴力犯罪(如美国宪法第18条所定义)的所谓受害者.S.C. 第16条)或非强制性犯罪, 被指控的学生犯罪者的纪律处分程序的最终结果可能会公布;
- 对军事招募人员(定义在10u.S. C. § 983) for purposes of military recruiting the following information pertaining to students (who are 17 years of age or older) enrolled at the college; names, addresses and telephone listings; data and place of birth; levels of education; academic majors, 度了, 以及该学生最近就读的教育机构;
- 作为对美国联邦调查局单方面法院命令的回应.S. 美国爱国者法案下的律师
应书面要求, 学院应向学生提供查阅其教育记录的机会. There is no charge for viewing the records even if the college is required to make a copy of the data in order to provide access. 应在十(10)个工作日内回复学生审查其教育记录的请求.
Records pertaining to students’ histories of student conduct violations and applicable sanctions shall be kept for a minimum of five years and kept separate from students’ academic records. 只有学院院长才能查阅这些记录, 教务处副主席, 学生事务副主席, 学生成功主任, 以及学生权利和责任主任. Any other person who wishes to review these files must have permission from 教务处副主席, 学生事务副主席, 学生成功主任, 或学生权利和责任主任.